cause i'm a wanderer
I've been reading a book that takes place in LA. The main character talks about driving around and how LA people like to get out and just drive even if they're not going anywhere. I've never really understood that until last night.
I was driving around looking for some houses--I'm thinking of buying and wanted to see where a few of them are located. I kept getting lost, which is nothing new since I'm in an almost constant state of Lostness as soon as I leave any of my beaten paths. After a while, though, the act of driving around itself became almost therapeutic. I did eventually find the houses (sidebar: one of them abuts a major highway. I mean literally the end of the backyard is the retaining wall for the freeway.) but the finding wasn't as satisfying as realizing that I could drive a long ways, get a little lost, but quickly figure out where I had gone wrong and put things right. If only the rest of my life were so easily correctable...
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