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in the hoosegow

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

pan asian night

After eating my usual Singapore Tofu at General Joe's last night, the GE and I watched Oldboy. This is one f-ed up Korean film about revenge and, well, revenge. Imagine if they let Quentin Tarantino direct a John Irving book-to-film (as long as the book had a major theme of revenge, that is) and you can begin to understand. Within the first ten minutes of the movie the main character has been kidnapped and imprisoned for fifteen years.

Fifteen years.

The film itself is quite stylish, mainly shot in interiors that feature garish red wallpaper. The few times the action moves outside, the contrast is extreme and makes you consider how you might feel being out of doors after 15 years of imprisonment. Do I recommend it? Not for those who don't like violent films. For others, I'd say it was definitely interesting but not a must-see.


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