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in the hoosegow

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

evaluate this

It's eval time again here at the li-berry. There's nothing like The Year in Review to make you glad it's over and done with. If I had to evaluate my personal life performance, it'd go something like this:

Goals for 2004/5
Pets: obtain a pet and incorporate it into my household and life.
Achieved 4/05.

Boyfriend: interview candidates for this position with the goal of hiring a successful candidate by 6/05.
Although a candidate was interviewed and hired provisionally, he was let go in 1/05. Previous holder of position considered for rehire.

House: locate and buy house by 12/05.
Achieved before goal date.

Personal Development: no specific goals but would like to increase feeling of contentment by 25% by year end.
Progress: contentment, while up and down, has generally increased by approximately 13% through Spanish Classes, "Acting", and a decrease in television viewing.


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