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in the hoosegow

Thursday, January 12, 2006

when 5am seems reasonable

We're having an information fair for our new international students this morning and I had to make sure we had everything together, truck it over and set it up. Then, joy of joys, I got to leave and let my colleagues (wo)man the table. There are times when being the coordinator of a program makes me ecstatic. However, because I was doing the set-up, I had to be at work bright and early, and I had to get up and get here bright and early. Normally I would again be ecstatic because I'd be leaving equally early, but I have to meet with one of my other campus groups this afternoon. Luckily, these are fun ESL teachers and we get to talk about cool things like juvenile books, general interest magazines and being comfortable in the library. I have an awesome job, no?


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