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in the hoosegow

Monday, August 21, 2006

weddings, survival of as a single gal

This has been an odd year in many ways, but particularly so because I have attended the weddings of two friends in the past 5 months. Some years I attend no weddings at all. My college friends did not all get married post-graduation and a few got married in grad school but it's been pretty spotty.

One thing that always happens, no matter what: I cry. As soon as whatever processional they're using starts up, my eyes water and I see the bride coming down the aisle (etc.) with rather blurred vision. Every freakin' time.

This was a good wedding because we got to sing a bunch of hymns. If I am going to be in a church, singing is a must. My voice is an embarrassment, so this is the ONLY time I get to sing in public. Also, I got to hawk the wedding crossword puzzle and souvenir pencils during the reception, which was a good way to boss my way into each cluster and feel like I was somehow helping out. People were surprisingly sweet about it.

The only person I "had to meet" was a cousin (?) of the groom, whom the mother of the groom wanted to introduce me to because we're both training for the marathon. No awkward single girl meet single guy moments at all.

And finally, I had a rockin' dress. The dress can completely make the wedding, in more ways than one.


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