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in the hoosegow

Monday, July 26, 2004

ya'd better Sea this film

So last night, instead of going to the music festival as planned because it was pouring and we were feeling stay-in-ish, we rented a couple of dvds.  The first was Almost Famous because I'd never seen it and by god I should.  So I did.  Then we popped in the latest wrist slitter and discovered it was, well, ookey.  Really, it was good ookey, but ookey nonetheless.  M. enjoyed it a lot.  So did I, but it was still disturbing and left me feeling scrubbed of a little more innocence.

The film is See the Sea, or Regarde la Mer (think I got that right).  It's about a very bored young mother and a woman who camps out in the yard of the YM's beach house.  The YM's husband is stuck in Paris, so she and the baby are All Alone.  You can pretty much see where this is going if A. you're thinking, hey hey we're gonna see some yummy action or B. you're thinking shower scene in Psycho.  There's a classic scene with a toothbrush and some lovely beach-warmed skin scenes but if you're easily disturbed, you'd better skip it.  Even more if you've already seen In My Skin and are as creeped out by the writer/director/star of that as I am.

The raisinettes all melty in the microwave popcorn were the stars of the evening.


At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Penguin Sluts
In 1996, Cambridge (England) University researcher Fiona Hunter, who studied penguins' mating habits for five years, reported that some females apparently allow male strangers to mate with them in exchange for a few nest-building stones, thus providing what Hunter believes is the first observed animal prostitution. According to Dr. Hunter, all activity was done behind the backs of the females' regular mates, and in a few instances, after the sex act, johns gave the females additional stones as sort of a tip.
- BBC News, 2-26-98

At 7:43 AM, Blogger Pixie the dog said...

Are you trying to tell me that this blog should be less about movie reviews and more about animal sex and prostitution? Because it could be--I did study animal behavior for several years you know.


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