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in the hoosegow

Monday, April 11, 2005

tinfoil reception

They leave all sorts of fun things in hotel bathrooms. For example, you often find a little box with a plastic showercap inside. I came out of my friends' room with their cap on and then wore it to dinner. I didn't really look around while I was walking down the street but apparently we got a few snorts and giggles. Inside the restaurant it was really hot so I took it off and resumed my "normal" persona.

One of the fun things about hanging out with my sis is that we share our quirky sense of humor. I'd taken my brown fuzzy scarf with me to surprise her with it but was never in the room when she wasn't there. I was complaining about that so when I was out late she dug it out of my bag and put it inside my toiletry bag. After I got done laughing myself silly, I curled it up in the bathroom and put the shower cap on it. It looked remarkably like someone's head sitting on the back of the toilet.

There were a bunch of other sister humor moments that happened over the weekend, shared of course with our sister librarian team, including our discussions with Squeaky (a stuffed crow) over breakfast but perhaps I'll save them for later. Keep them wanting more, right Squeaky?


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Pixie the dog said...

I'm so jealous! My flight home was super bumpy and I almost puked. Luckily I had fun seat-mates.


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