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in the hoosegow

Thursday, July 29, 2004


As I mentioned before, I'm going to Seattle shortly.  I'm soooo looking forward to asking for a tall drip with room and getting what I want.  I am also looking forward to getting a mocha made with real chocolate.  I'm also looking forward to cookies and cupcakes with pink frosting.  Watch out librarians, I am going to be caffeinated and buzzed!

I first started drinking coffee in college.  After dinner, my friend Julia would get the pot from the chow line and bring it around to her pals.  She also ran the Saturday night coffee shop called Cafe.  Different women would do the coffee making and serving and get their share of the profits, usually for a campus group like the Women's Center or Habitat for Humanity.  She always had a big basket of condoms from Planned Parenthood since it was Saturday night, after all.  The Cafe women had this mystique--they always wore black and often wore scarves.  One Saturday I got to be one of them.  I served cappuchinos and pastries with my most mysterious half-smile (unfortunately not very mysterious...).  We stayed up late cleaning up and singing along to the Indigo Girls at the top of our voices.

Coffee is very much a ritual for me, a pleasurable treat I associate with my old womyn* friends and that delicious feeling of being accelerated and still somehow enjoying every second separately.

*that's how we spelled it back in the early 90s.


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