Dear Horrorscope, please get out of my head. Thank you. That is all.
"Feelings of obstruction and hopelessness could seem rather overwhelming for you right now."
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Dear Horrorscope, please get out of my head. Thank you. That is all.
I taped America's Next Top Model and was watching it this morning before work. (My method, if you're interested, is to watch the end first. That way I can watch without feeling all nervous and without worrying that I will be late to work). It was the first time in Model history that one of the contestants was compared to WWF (actually, it's WWE now since WWF is officially the World Wildlife Fund). It was a terribly apt comparison.
I had a lovely walk this morning. I saw the Silver Fox again and realized that he doesn't tuck his pants into his shoes. Rather, he wears those sweats that have elastic around the ankle. Those combined with his high top shoes give the appearance of tucking.
So I've been experiencing some heartburn the past few days, which may or may not have something to do with the mass consumption of refried beans, pumpkin pie (originally typed as "bumpkin pie") and carbonated beverages. Nevertheless, when a colleague invited me to try a piece of tres leches, did I decline courteously? Not I. I took my piece, wished the departing colleague a happy "real" job and saved my hello kitty napkin without using it because it was so cute.
I had a lot of fun this long weekend. I saw two films (For Your Consideration and The Queen--both highly recommended although for very different reasons), three bands (Alison Fisher et al., Elvez and his opener), cleaned my house, raked the front yard and sneaked Thanksgiving in there somewhere.
From my horrorscope:
The very first Altman film I saw was Short Cuts. I might've seen bits of MASH before that but didn't really see the film in its entirety until later. Short Cuts is a whole lot of stories going on at the same time, with characters from each storyline interacting with other storylines. This is similar to the way Altman did Nashville (which I saw later, but which came earlier in his career). I was always amazed at how well he could keep me interested in each facet of the film and how he brought everything together at the end. The Player is one of my all time favorite films. The beginning tracking shot is famous, deservedly so, because not only is it long and shot well, but it sets up the entire mood of the film, letting us in on many of the characters' personalities and motivations without a lot of explication. Altman could make a lot of political and social statements with his films without being heavy-handed and dogmatic. He made you sympathize with the "bad guy" and he made you fall in love with Tim Robbins and Lyle Lovett and so many other odd actors.
I just saw that Robert Altman died. He had a profound impact on my cinematic tastes but I don't have time to give him justice right now. More later...
I know, Starbucks=evil corporate coffee empire, and all of that. I am of the opinion that a lot of people go to Starbucks because it's convenient (hard not to be...) but they go back because they build a rapport with the baristas. I know a little flirting and a personal greeting helps me swallow the bitter price of my favorite decadent coffee drink. As an aside, if I am ever deathly ill in the hospital, I would like to die with the taste of pumpkin spice latte on my tongue. If they made a gum with pumpkin spice latte flavor, I would buy it. Do you hear me, Starbucks? I would buy it!
I watched Pi yesterday. It's by the same guy who made Requiem for a Dream and the filming is similarly dizzying, although Pi is in grainy black and white. The human themes are also the same: obsession, life spinning out of control, patterns of behavior, etc. I had a positive reaction to Requiem, but Pi...at the end I didn't feel like I'd gained anything, any perspective, any deeper appreciation of math or universal patterns. Was it just me?
Boy howdy, has this been a week! Nothing out of the ordinary, just lots of work and several outreach programs and who knows what else. Anyway, I now have just one desk shift to get through before I have some free time. The group that came today was a lot of fun, excepting the teachers. They had a s*it fit when they found out that the borrower's cards they brought with them only work with a picture ID. This is laid out on the website I'd directed them to, but they either forgot or didn't see this stipulation, so a lot of kids were unable to take their books with them. The teachers were busy yelling at me (and the circulation folks--I owe them a big apology) about how they spent all of their field trip money on this visit and blahblahblahblahblah you get the idea. So the teachers pretty much stormed off and some of the kids said "thanks" to me as they were leaving but they left the room a wreck and the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. Luckily there was cake left over from yesterday's potluck so the bad taste has been expunged.
My work peeps decided that having Game Night at the li-berry isn't such a crazy idea after all, so I just gave a list of board games to our money guy and he is going to order them for me. I am so excited! I used to be a part of a big group of kids who got together to play games on Wednesday nights. It was called the Beer and Games Enthusiasts' League, or BAGEL. It was a nice stress reliever after work and I hope it will serve the same purpose for our students.
I'm in the midst of a season of mild disappointment. No real storms, certainly not a drought, but a sort of drizzle of sadness. I wonder if it is because my expectations are too high or because people really are disappointing. I know that I disappoint myself fairly frequently, but that doesn't give me any insight into which of those two theories might be correct.
Everyone knows that even when out exercising at 6:30am I am fabulously appointed (*snort*) but I cannot say the same for everyone. Here is some pointed advice for my fellow early morning exercise enthusiasts.
Here's my horrorscope today, verbatim:
I went outside this morning to see what was going on in the backyard. I'd opened up the back door but the cat had been hanging out inside. I immediately noticed the ginger cat, curled up on one of my chairs. This kitty is very sweet but does not live at my house, so I always squirt him with water. I want Annika to feel safe hanging out in the overgrown jungle that is my yard. I kind of want to kidnap this cat because his owners haven't had him neutered. It makes me mad that people are so irresponsible. Where is Bob Barker when I need him?
Grape laffy taffy is the best!
Usually I get out for early voting, which I happen to think is a very nifty idea. This year however, what with the out of townness and general sick, I voted today on Election Day. I expected a line at my polling place, but I was able to quickly park, go into the building, sign the roll, get my code and vote. The only thing I missed was a sticker. I am very sad without my sticker.
I was just over looking at Mimi Smartypants and discovered that she has even stranger conversations with her cat than I do. Somehow this comforts me.